Supercharge Your Twitter Growth With 7 Simple Content Ideas

Is your Twitter feed feeling a little ‘ho-hum’ these days?

You might find yourself in a rut with your Twitter growth strategy.

Maybe you’re Supercharge Twitter Growthready to try new and fun ways to keep things enticing, engaging, and entertaining—but you’ve run out of ideas.

Simply put, sometimes it’s a challenge to connect with your followers in diverse ways. Remember that standing out from the crowd can differentiate your brand.

Therefore, even if you’re Twitter growth strategy is on track, you can incorporate personal, unique, and perhaps unexpected tweets into your posting routine.

Here are seven ideas (and you don’t even need a blog for all of them!):

1. Show Off Your Personality

We know that social selling is all about the customer. However, they still want to know you and your personality! Give your brand a face. Integrate bits of personal information in your tweets so followers feel as if they know you. Make it real, but keep it tasteful.

Tweet ideas:

  • A photo of you in everyday life

  • The view from your hotel on vacation

  • A picture of your pet(s)

  • A recipe you enjoy

  • A podcast you like and why

  • A charity you support and why

  • A hobby you love to do

  • Your favorite sports team

  • Your most admired person

  • Something special about your location

  • Your favorite quote

  • What book you’re reading

2. Get into the Holiday Spirit

On any given day or month, there is often a holiday or special something being celebrated somewhere. Why not interject fun into your feed by tweeting about designated special days of the week, month, or year?

It’s another way to connect with your audience more personally–especially if you’re a global brand.

You can stay notified of holidays by downloading or printing calendars such as the one available through Fandom Marketing  or try using for online access to numerous versions of the calendar.

If you’re on the go, you might consider an app for your device.

To take full advantage of holiday-related tweets, include an image and the holiday’s hashtag. Including these two things will increase your engagement and visibility.

To find out what’s trending for hashtags, go to Type the holiday name in the Search box. Be aware of different references to the same holiday or references to different holidays that share similar names.

For example:

  • Secretaries Day = #SecretariesDay or #secretaryday

  • Labor Day – #laborday and “labourday” (different holidays)

  • Social Media Day = #SMDay and #SocialMediaDay and #SMDay2015

twitter follower growth

3. Provide Value with a Weekly or Daily Tip

Whether you are an expert in your niche or just learning, you have something to contribute to others. Share your knowledge with your followers with weekly or daily tweets of wisdom.

Using a tool like SocialOomph, you can create many tips at once and schedule them to be dispersed and dripped out over a period of time. This is convenient because the lifetime of a tweet is brief. By re-purposing this evergreen content on a continual basis, you have a better chance of reaching more people.

Providing your personal take on things and offering value will help to humanize your brand and grow your Twitter followers.

4. Jump Into the Hashtag Fun

Not only do hashtags increase Twitter engagement and visibility but they also give you a chance to meet and interact with others.


My favorite aspect of Twitter is the real-time, immediate interaction with followers. One way I keep my tweets fresh and increase my connections is to participate in weekly Twitter chats or tweet chats.

During a tweet chat you contribute to the discussion, which means interacting with influencers, followers, and non-followers. It is an opportunity to meet new people, make connections, and gain visibility. Your participation results in your feed being filled with new, often engaging, chat-related content, which often leads to new followers.

Note: chats usually have a specific topic or question/answer format.  This type of fast-paced interaction is fun! But the back and forth tweets happen quickly. To keep up, I use either or

Share the Luv

Another way to use hashtags for Twitter growth is to participate in daily or weekly “share the luv” events. Who doesn’t love a shout-out or a mention?

Using these hashtags keeps you engaged with your followers and boosts your credibility by proving you’re a real, interactive person. Add an image to increase positive results!

Here are some examples: #FF, #FollowFriday, #sharetheluv and #ShoutOut.

Look at how singer Enrique Iglesias used a #FollowFriday tag to help promote himself while giving back to his fans.

twitter account growth

5. Share Your Opinion With a Review

Now’s your chance to review a product you’ve tried. This type of content provides value to your followers. Sharing a review builds your reputation as someone who is a knowledgeable, a helpful resource.

You may want to stick to products or items related to your niche to keep followers interested.

If you tag the product and the topic or industry, you’ll get more visibility. You can create a blog post for the review to send viewers to your website. Or you can tweet about it in less than 140 characters.

Reviews help you gain influence and authority. For example, check out social media influencer and blogger Ian Cleary at

He has earned a reputation for being the “go-to” guy for advice, knowledge and information about the technological tools we use for social media, blogging, and online marketing. Through his reviews, he’s gained recognition from well-known media outlets and has successfully monetized his blog.

Twitter Growth

6. Highlight a Client or Success Story

Writing a blog post about one of your clients or their success is brilliant for several reasons.

  • An inspiring, interesting story about someone else’s journey makes people perceive your brand in a positive light.

  • Your client’s story introduces you and your business to the client’s audience and followers—and is likely stronger than a testimonial.

  • People want to be successful and may connect with you as a result.

This content may not only increase your Twitter growth but also your bottom line!

7. Entice Your Followers with Sneak Peeks

People want to be ‘in the know.’

It’s that simple. They want the juicy information first. The build-up is exciting—particularly if the offering will be valuable to them or the topic is of interest.

To attract more attention to your feed, start sharing sneak peeks. These peeks do not have to be sales or product related. For instance, you could tweet a photo of your home office before a makeover. Or you could share a peek of that car you’re customizing.

Sneak peak tweets leading up to a product or service launch are another effective method to build momentum and excitement around your business. People are even doing this on Twitter with their Periscope broadcasts.


It always comes down to the fact that people buy from those they know, like and trust.

Give followers—and potential customers—the opportunity to get to know your personality and brand.

You’ll grow your Twitter followers, and you might make some lasting connections in the process.

