Why people won't follow you on Twitter

The ever burning Twitter question: Why people won’t follow me on Twitter?? What am I doing wrong? Well, you’re not alone! We’ve all been there.

Growing your Twitter audience is a challenge and sometimes no matter what you do your number of followers just won’t go up! Why? Perhaps you’re making these 5 mistakes:

You don’t tweet often

Tweeting often not only helps keep your current followers engaged but also helps make your Twitter profile more visible. Besides, who wants to follow an idle Twitter account, right?

How to fix this: A general rule of thumb is tweeting a minimum of 4-5 times a day. But try not to share all your tweets at once! Timing tweets too close together (say every two minutes) feels a bit spammy which can be a turn off for your potential Twitter followers.

You don’t use hashtags

Hashtags are the easiest way for people to discover you and your amazing tweets. If you’re in the first steps of growing your Twitter audience, not using hashtags can slow down your follower growth.

How to fix this: You guessed it! Start using hashtags and in fact hashtags that are relevant to your target audience. This way, you’ll attract followers that are more likely to engage and retweet your content.

You don’t offer an added value

Your tweets need to have a certain value for your potential followers whether it’s an interesting article that could be useful to them or a cool tip. Think of this as giving people an incentive to follow you. What’s in it for them? If you’re a brand, keep in mind that 55% of people will follow you for discounts and promotions.

How to fix this: Share content that can be valuable and useful to your target audience. Finding great content to tweet is actually a lot easier than it seems.

You’re all business and no play

Take a look at your timeline. Does it look like one giant ad? Yes, one of the reasons why people follow brands is to get notified on offers and promos but this doesn’t mean that this is all you should tweet about.

How to fix this: Your tweets need to be interesting to entice people to follow you. So think outside the box, be creative and add some personality to your tweeting. Because yes! Business tweets can be engaging and fun! A good example? Oreo’s Twitter feed.

Your profile is incomplete

Is your Twitter bio is empty? Then you’ve been missing the chance of telling people why they should follow you!

How to fix this: All of the above fixes of course pass the message, but many of your potential followers will also look at your Twitter bio before hitting the follow button. So make sure your Twitter bio reflects who you are and what you tweet about.

In the end knowing your target audience and the people you want to reach out to on Twitter puts everything into perspective and definitely makes the process of growing your Twitter audience a lot easier.

Now over to you! Got any more answers in this burning Twitter question? Share them with us in the comments below.

Source: http://twittercounter.com/blog/2014/07/people-wont-follow-twitter/
